An illustration of me and my youngest sister circa 2009.
My youngest sister is here visiting me for her 21st birthday and I really can't believe how time has flown! We're 10 years apart so I've seen her grow from a tiny baby to a brave, resilient young woman. She has been through A LOT in the last few years and I'm proud of her for recently sharing her story and asking for the help she needs to be more independent and take care of her mental and physical health, including recovering from #ptsd after surviving sexual assault, by raising money for a #servicedog .
I love all my sisters more than words can say. If you are interested in supporting Liz on her journey of recovery too, you can find her Go Fund Me page here. If you are kind enough to donate or share, I’d love to send you a little art as a thank you. Just email or DM me a screenshot and your address and I’ll send you a little thank you.
An excerpt of her story:
I have to say, I was (and still am) very afraid to tell my story here. It seemed terrifying to tell everyone my diagnosis and be vulnerable about what happened, but I know there are good people out there who are willing to help. And to be honest, I really do need the help right now, so I'm willing to open up with all of you.
I have PTSD as a result of sexual assault that happened a little over a year ago. I won't go into too much detail, but it completely changed my life and ability to function in a way that my medical history hasn't before. I've had four surgeries for congenital bone malformation and dealt with chronic illness throughout my life and especially in high school which was incredibly difficult with wheelchair, mobility, and health struggles. Getting to school has always been very difficult for me and even now, I still have lots of limits on my physical abilities.
Sending love and healing vibes to you all.