dc cat cafe


LOCAL II Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe

Desert 2 District II Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe

Desert 2 District II Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe

As you'll know if you follow me on Instagram, I am a huge cat lover. My husband and I have adopted two cats together--Data and Mo--from different animals shelters in Arizona and D.C. and I love to support animal adoption and organizations that help homeless animals. Naturally, I've been in love with Crumbs & Whiskers, D.C.'s first and only cat cafe, since it opened and I'm so happy to spotlight them today!

Desert 2 District II My visit to C&O

Desert 2 District II My visit to C&O

Not only is the cafe beautifully designed, light-filled and full of friendly staff, adorable cats and punny merch and coffee drinks (I loved my "Meow You Doin" coffee sleeve!), but they also do so much to improve the lives of homeless cats. To date, they have gotten 627 cats adopted,  donated $22K to animal charities, and saved 1,394 from euthanasia. 

They also give cats a lovely home while they await adoption. All of the cats at the cafe are available for adoption--and believe me, it'll be hard to not fall in love with one of them while you're there. 
